ExecSummary_CPI Alagoas

URL: https://dados.al.gov.br/catalogo/dataset/f1448772-5d47-4af1-8127-16afa6c42e4e/resource/825456fa-6b03-4336-a37c-0a03511bc106/download/1.2.-ipc-alagoas_sumario-executivo_eng_compressed.pdf

This Executive Summary brings together the main conclusions and key messages of the City Prosperity Index (CPI) of the 102 municipalities of Alagoas.

Calculated on the basis of six dimensions (Productivity, Infrastructure Development, Quality of Life, Equity and Social Inclusion, Environmental Sustainability, Governance and Urban Legislation), the CPI makes it possible to formulate, monitor and evaluate more assertive public policies using qualified and territorialised information, as well as transparency about the impact of government actions on the lives of the population.


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Data last updated 2024 Július 28
Metadata last updated 2024 Július 24
Created 2024 Július 24
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Package idf1448772-5d47-4af1-8127-16afa6c42e4e
Revision id0cb33d8c-a993-4d07-a0d6-2e3f1d514af2
Size2 MiB
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